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PFT Member Resources

May is Better Hearing and Speech Month, and every May 18 is National Speech-Language Pathologist Day!

We are so very grateful for the remarkable work of our SLPs and hearing teachers. Each day, you work tirelessly to ensure accessible, quality education for your students. Outside of the classroom, you are tireless advocates for the resources and services our young people need and deserve.

Read more about Better Hearing and Speech Month here.

Does this settlement apply to you? If you have worked in public service for 10 years or more and made 10 years of payments on your student loans, you are likely eligible to have your debt discharged under PSLF. Even if you were denied PSLF in the past OR your loan servicer said you do not qualify, under this settlement, your application will be reconsidered. MORE

PFT-School District of Philadelphia Collective Bargaining Agreement 2021-2024 (PDF)

Tip: Press Control+F (or Command+F for Macs) on your keyboard to search the contract.

The searchable contract is organized by chapters, called Articles, which have titles to help you find the information you need. Articles have Sections and Sub-Sections, and at the end of the contract is a lengthy Index to help locate specific information. The contract also includes Side Letters, which amplify or explain additional agreements between the PFT and District, Appendices and Salary Schedules.

Salary Schedules [Updated